All the crazy thing we did last night David Ft Joeng – the world under straight guys cock feet and asses – Str8crushfeet cash slave male feet

All the crazy thing we did last night David Ft Joeng – the world under straight guys cock feet and asses – Str8crushfeet cash slave male feet All the crazy things we did that night Another weekend at home sharing with friends, we usually go out together every weekend and then come home even though going out is fun, my favorite part is when we are. Our group is very varied, we are a good number of Gays but we also have many Straights in our pack, in fact the majority. Although they generally love things like football and we love pop culture, we also love straight men and they are. If you are here reading it is because it probably happens to you too and there is something in their primitive. Therefore, our house has always been a kind of ground for coexistence of these different worlds, something like. woman friends ? What is this? seriously a woman? Will you run away? I apologize if it bothers you, my intention is not. Joeng arrives with David and they make fun of the music we are listening to, they simply take control of the music and change the. Tsuki, the girl in the pack, is the one who opposes them the most because unlike us who drool over them, they always want to fuck her, Tsuki has a little more ego than us, because at least she can pretend that she doesn't want to be used and she He doesn't have to say yes to. We agree, trying to pretend from the inside, acting as if that mesmerazing aroma of handsome man will not awaken in us that primitive side that reminds us that we are just. but it's impossible, I look at everyone's faces and we are all absolutely ecstatic with the smell of man in. Noah on the other hand is a guy who always speaks his mind and is tired of pretending that he doesn't love the smell of man's feet, so he just says it out loud, Patrick and Feebo stop pretending and show their support by saying that David and Joeng's feet smell exquisite, Tsuki has no choice but to give in and although she prefers a foot fresh out of the shower, she has no choice but to kiss the sweaty feet of the attractive young man, when she does so she realizes that It's not as. Patrick on his cock while Tsuki makes out with him, so he can have the stimulation of kissing a girl and touching her breasts, which makes Joeng's penis hard as a rock and Patrick can enjoy. that he was with the whole panorama, drool and warm tongues running all over his body, enjoying the sweet taste of the blonde whose PH of his skin makes it. David gave the fiery idea of making an exotic figure Tsuki how I envy you, having Joeng's penis in her mouth and David's huge juicy and tempting penis inside her, I think everyone in this room would like to be her, but while they fuck, the guys give us the perfect space to worship their delicious male feet and their wonderful asses of a handsome man, with each penetration towards the girl, our tongues bury one centimeter deeper into that male asses and we begin to lick the. David and Joeng feeling multiple stimuli, tongues worshiping their bodies everywhere, if they had not met us perhaps they would never even know the possibility of having a tongue in their ass or on their feet, people who are vanilla are vanilla because simply they have not tried the. They literally sit on our faces while Noah and Tsuki perform fellatio on them, then they put us face down to fuck our throats so. but the pleasure on the straight guy's faces is worth it, we can pretend that we hate each other on a daily basis, friends who make jokes and play tricks on each other, but when these men undress, we only exist to give them pleasure, we. Tomorrow we will each go about our daily lives, we will pretend to be normal people in our respective jobs, family and circles of friends, but none of the 6 of